Complete Your Order

Place order in 3 simple steps

Step 1: Make the Payment Step 2: You are Redirected to the Press Release Form Step 3: Fill up the Form, Press Submit and that’s it!

Pay with PayPal account or Credit/Debit card*

*If you don’t have a PayPal account, no problem. You can still pay using a Credit or Debit card by following these 3 simple steps below:

Step 1- Press the ‘Check out with PayPal’ Button shown above, and on the PayPal pop-up window select the ‘Pay with Debit or Credit Card’ option, not the ‘Log In’ option.

Step 2- You’ll be directed to the ‘PayPal Guest Checkout’ screen. Enter your data and click the Blue ‘Pay Now’ button to pay.

Step 3- As soon as you pay, you will be directed to a Press Release Form page. Where you’ll have to fill up the form, press submit button and you are done.

Please send us an email at [email protected] if you have any questions.

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